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Petites Mains Précieuses par Kelly Jacob pour Ariane Moffatt

Petites Mains Precieuses album cover of Ariane Moffatt photographed by Kelly Jacob
À propos

La couverture de l'album a été prise au moment inattendu où Ariane Moffatt a décidé de sauter dans le lac. Un coucher de soleil et des paillettes ont rendu ce shoot magique.

En collaboration avec
Simone Records
Classé dans Musique, Photographies
Petites Mains Precieuses album cover of Ariane Moffatt photographed by Kelly Jacob
Petites Mains Precieuses album cover of Ariane Moffatt photographed by Kelly Jacob
Petites Mains Precieuses album cover of Ariane Moffatt photographed by Kelly Jacob
Petites Mains Precieuses album cover of Ariane Moffatt photographed by Kelly Jacob
Petites Mains Precieuses album cover of Ariane Moffatt photographed by Kelly Jacob
Petites Mains Precieuses album cover of Ariane Moffatt photographed by Kelly Jacob
petites mains precieuses album cover of Ariane Moffatt photographed by Kelly Jacob
Petites Mains Precieuses album cover of Ariane Moffatt photographed by Kelly Jacob
Petites Mains Precieuses album cover of Ariane Moffatt photographed by Kelly Jacob
Petites Mains Precieuses album cover of Ariane Moffatt photographed by Kelly Jacob
Petites Mains Precieuses album cover of Ariane Moffatt photographed by Kelly Jacob
Petites Mains Precieuses album cover of Ariane Moffatt photographed by Kelly Jacob
Petites Mains Precieuses album cover of Ariane Moffatt photographed by Kelly Jacob
Petites Mains Precieuses album cover of Ariane Moffatt photographed by Kelly Jacob

Petites Mains Precieuses album cover of Ariane Moffatt photographed by Kelly Jacob
Petites Mains Precieuses album cover of Ariane Moffatt photographed by Kelly Jacob
Petites Mains Precieuses album cover of Ariane Moffatt photographed by Kelly Jacob
Petites Mains Precieuses album cover of Ariane Moffatt photographed by Kelly Jacob
Petites Mains Precieuses album cover of Ariane Moffatt photographed by Kelly Jacob
Petites Mains Precieuses album cover of Ariane Moffatt photographed by Kelly Jacob
Petites Mains Precieuses album cover of Ariane Moffatt photographed by Kelly Jacob

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